Why You Should Talk About Your Values
If you could go back in time, what words of wisdom would you like to share with your former self? Thirteen years into his business, advertising exec Curt Hanke does exactly that.
Who you identify as your competition can be a critical step in defining who you are as a brand.
Your company’s goals set the tone for the entire organization. Are they inspiring or are they just corporate boilerplate? Here’s why it pays to do some soul-searching when establishing your objectives.
Revisiting the Joy of the Startup
Looking to get more creative thinking from yourself and your team? Advertising exec Curt Hanke shares his two back-to-basics approaches.
Want to create a company culture of thoughtfulness and accountability? Ask that question. Nothing cuts through the BS like asking someone to put their money where their mouth is.
Don’t let the way you usually do things become the way you always do things. Here’s why it pays to break the rules once in a while.